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 > музыка из аниме Хеллсинг 
28 Март 2006 22:59  

Сообщений: 1 943
Город: Як тебе не любити,Києве мій..

Кавайность: 16

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Offline PMICQ
09 Июнь 2006 15:09  
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Сообщений: 1 001
Город: Angel Sanctuary

Кавайность: 14

вот нашла статейку на английском языке. точнее, как я поняла, это - реца.
если кто не знает, то могу потом перевести (не раньше, чем через неделю - экзамен важный и практика)

Artist: Yasushi Ishii
Album: Hellsing Original Soundtrack - RAID
Label: Pioneer Music
Release date: 1 July 2003
The lowdown: An entertaining disc that swings wildly from delightfully cheap imitation horror movie music to appealingly fuzzed-out rock n' roll. The gap between the two styles is a problem, but only rarely.

Hellsing's music really stands out from the rest of the production. The series is a decidedly non-traditional approach to a vampire fable, and the soundtrack reflects this. Most horror movies draw influence from the same damned scary-strings loop that's been showing up in every creepy movie from James Whale to Dario Argento to Hideo Nakata. Yasushi Ishii, who composed the music on this disc and is responsible for most of the instrumentation, does give a few good nods to the typical music of the horror genre, but he seems a lot more interested in exploring the contemporary setting of Hellsing-- that is, London. Most of this album is all about hard rock pastiche, and it's usually stuff that can be traced right back to what's been coming out of the UK for the past thirty years.

The disc kicks off with "The World Without Logos", the series OP, featuring completely incomprehensible lyrics (the transcription in the liner notes provides no illumination as to their meaning whatsoever) that manages to really evoke thoughts of Stretch, an English hard rock outfit that filled dance floors in 1977 with "Why Did You Do It", before quickly fading away. The rough, staccato drums, sinister-sounding piano riff, and extremely prominent bassline set the tone for much of the rest of the album. The vocals in "Fools Cross Over Nirvana" come off more like backgrouind noise than anything else, and Ishii creatively uses samples, synthesizers, and a police whistle to break up the monotony. This is quickly followed up by "Musical Play Smiling Rebellious Flower," in which Ishii effortlessly switches to gloriously stupid-sounding hard rock. It could pass for a Thin Lizzy song, but for the absence of Phil Lymott screaming his head off over the mix.

In "Certain Victory Lotus Sutra Tune", it gets even more apparent that Ishii is going for an early 1970s British rock n' roll feel-- only his stuff sounds like it took a wrong turn off the expressway and ended up in Mike Watt's basement. The song starts off interesting, but can't stop getting lost in its own distortion and inattention to tempo. "Services to gods" actually sounds like atmospheric BGM, and not Ishii and his two buddies noodling around in the studio. "A left foot trapped in a sensual seduction" is a great number, sounding like a heavily distorted, creepier version of "Come Together" by the Beatles. "Dracula's holy pupil and R & R" sounds so much like the beginning of "Faeries Wear Boots" by Black Sabbath that Ishii should rightfully be paying royalties to Geezer Butler. Still, it's very good stuff.

The album starts to slide a little with the next song (I'm half-tempted to try and omit song titles at this point, simply because they rarely mean anything). This organ-driven piece is mood music, and not really worth listening to outside of the context of the show. The next few numbers have the snarling rock hooks go into hibernation, giving way to music that evokes The Omen and the Hammer Dracula flicks. There's a sleepy, sinister vocal track, an absolutely excellent piano dirge ("The Mask of th Priest and the Bell of the Chapel"), and a handful of moody acoustic instrumentals. "Survival on the street of insincerity" is good stuff, a surging, fierce song with a great acoustic guitar riff. Unfortunately, it devolves to deliberately idiotic-sounding jazz noodling. The only remaining highlight is "Non-neurosis tunes", the song from the part in the show when the stupid vampire kids on the scooter were riding around shooting people. The song is deliberately done as a Sex Pistols imitation, to great effect. The album is rounded out by a little more silly-sounding rock n' roll that reminded me of Slade. Heh.

For the most part, this is a pretty good album. Ishii likes using vocals for mood and color, not to infuse his songs with a message. For a soundtrack, this is the right approach. Also, I feel the need to point out, again, that his song titles make absolutely no sense anyway. Some of these songs are vocal tracks, but the vocals are almost always so buried in the mix that trying to listen to them will just cause headaches. Ishii's softer numbers aren't bad, but they don't sport the creative sloppiness that characterizes the pop and rock songs.

Some people might be disappointed to learn that the show's ending theme, "Shine" by Mr. Big, is not present on the CD. This is because the publisher of Mr. Big's music refused to allow the song to be included. As far as I'm concerned, this only improves the overall quality of the CD, because "Shine" is a pretty terrible song. Sorry, Mr. Big-- I'm not the one who wants to be with you. I'd rather listen to Ishii's sloppy drumwork, overpowering bass sound, thick, dirty mixing, and entertainingly intrusive synthesizers and samples.

(мой коммент: трек-лист показываю потому, что тут названия на английском. лично у меня все названия треков - на японском, но латиницей)
1. The World Without Logos (4:06)
2. Fool cross over Nirvana ~Grudge Prohibited~ (3:40)
3. Musical Play Smiling Rebellious Flower (3:55)
4. Certain Victory Lotus Sutra Tune (4:58)
5. Services to gods ~Do on our own accord~ (2:14)
6. A left foot trapped in a sensual seduction (2:47)
7. Dracula's holy pupil and R & R (3:34)
8. P.S. Lord Amitbha have mercy on me (2:43)
9. Sea of Chaos ~Creator's Ulterior Motive~ (3:33)
10. Original sin ~For not keeping virginity~ (3:20)
11. Bodhisatta of Cathedra ~Featuring Tatsuo Tabei~ (2:08)
12. The Mask of the Priest and the Bell of the Chapel (2:06)
13. Act of Demon or the Work of God (1:36)
14. Pure Death (3:00)
15. Survival on the streets of insincerity (3:03)
16. Ambiguous drum's grief (2:52)
17. Requiem for the living (3:34)
18. Non-neurosis tunes ~Who the hell are you?~ (2:30)
19. When you start the War, fight with arrows, spears, and swords! (3:32)

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я прочитала, но мысли свои по поводу изложу чуть позже)

And you thought you knew what it took to fit in.
user posted image
There is no religion, but the sex and music. And music is more important.

До свидания.
Offline PMICQ
M  Кэр
09 Июнь 2006 16:01  

Сообщений: 1 732
Город: Сочи

Кавайность: 5

А в чем прикол? Треки кста с диска Hellsing 1 Raid. Есть еще диск Hellsing 2 Ruin там 23 трека. Если есть необходимость названия могу на английском оставить =) Да и обложка там другая - на ней Интегра с сигарой в зубах

my way kasanaru yo ima

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Offline PMEmailUsers WebsiteICQ
09 Июнь 2006 16:19  
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Сообщений: 1 001
Город: Angel Sanctuary

Кавайность: 14

ты прочитал саму рецу, нэ?
там как бы есть название рецензируемого альбома

And you thought you knew what it took to fit in.
user posted image
There is no religion, but the sex and music. And music is more important.

До свидания.
Offline PMICQ
M  Кэр
09 Июнь 2006 16:28  

Сообщений: 1 732
Город: Сочи

Кавайность: 5

А на второй диск есть рецензия?

my way kasanaru yo ima

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Offline PMEmailUsers WebsiteICQ
09 Июнь 2006 17:30  
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Сообщений: 1 001
Город: Angel Sanctuary

Кавайность: 14

на том сайте, где я брала - нет.
есть на других сайтах, но, имхо, те рецы менее интересны и менее информативны.
можно найти через гугль без проблем.

And you thought you knew what it took to fit in.
user posted image
There is no religion, but the sex and music. And music is more important.

До свидания.
Offline PMICQ
29 Октябрь 2006 22:12  

Сообщений: 4
Город: Moscow

Кавайность: 0

Народ, подскажите пожалуйста - что за песня звучит в Хеллсинге, а точнее в 10-ой серии (во время разговора освобожденного Алукарда с мелкой Интегрой) и еще кажется в конце 6-ой(штурм особняка Хеллсинга).

Offline PMEmail
29 Октябрь 2006 23:12  

Сообщений: 1 943
Город: Як тебе не любити,Києве мій..

Кавайность: 16

Вот тебе предпрослушивание.Впирот.

Offline PMICQ
M  Neko
   30 Октябрь 2006 12:36  

Сообщений: 519
Город: Emo World

Кавайность: 5

У меня вопрос, но не по музыке: может кто знает где найти аккорды или табы на музыку из TV Hellsing.
Буду очень благодарен. enthralled.gif

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Offline PMEmailICQ
   30 Октябрь 2006 14:36  

Сообщений: 4
Город: Moscow

Кавайность: 0

Чевой-то я не нашел в этих ОСТах той музыки. Чтобы яснее сформулировать, я залил диктофонную запись нужного мне трека(играет на заднем плане):


Offline PMEmail
30 Октябрь 2006 14:56  

Сообщений: 1 943
Город: Як тебе не любити,Києве мій..

Кавайность: 16

Здесь оба альбома.Предпрослушивай))

Offline PMICQ
30 Октябрь 2006 15:03  

Сообщений: 4
Город: Moscow

Кавайность: 0

У меня есть оба ОСТа, но в них чевой-то нету этой песни. А песня хорошая=) Мож у кого отдельно она есть?

Offline PMEmail
30 Октябрь 2006 15:09  

Сообщений: 1 943
Город: Як тебе не любити,Києве мій..

Кавайность: 16

Как показала практика,если песни нету в ОСТе,то найти ее практичкски невозможно =) Разве что разобрать слова в песне и найти по фрагменту текста.

Offline PMICQ
M  Neko
30 Октябрь 2006 17:51  

Сообщений: 519
Город: Emo World

Кавайность: 5

Цитата (tank52\ @ Понедельник, 30 Октябрь 2006, 15:03)

У меня есть оба ОСТа, но в них чевой-то нету этой песни. А песня хорошая=) Мож у кого отдельно она есть?

Хреново же ты эти OCT'ы прослушивал.
Вот пожалуста: https://lavka.lib.ru/blake/vamp/mus/mus_1/H..._-_Track_11.zip

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Offline PMEmailICQ
31 Октябрь 2006 17:20  

Сообщений: 4
Город: Moscow

Кавайность: 0

Хех, а у меня в ОСТах эта песня дляится 1,5 минут и второй половины практически нету=)
Всем спасибо за помощь!

Offline PMEmail

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